
These processing options specify the default values that the system applies when you enroll employees with overrides.

1. DBA Points Multiplier

Specify a factor to convert plan DBA points to a monetary amount. The system multiplies the factor by the DBA points.

The factor can be a whole number and up to four decimal places, or up to four decimal places only without a whole number. For example, 1.4321 has the format for a whole number and decimal places, and .9876 has the format for a factor that is less than one.

Blank is a value when the plan DBA points do not need to be converted to a monetary amount.

2. Plan/Option Description

Specify whether to retrieve the description from the Plan/Option Description field in the Benefits Plan Master table (F08320) and the Plan Additional Options table (F083202), or from the Self Service Description field in the Plan/Plan Option Tag table (F08320B). Values are:

0: Retrieve the description from the Plan/Option Description field in the F08320 table or the F083202 table.

1: Retrieve the description from the Self Service Description field in the F08320B table.

3. Enrollment Event Codes

Specify whether the qualifying event code appears on the form. The enrollment event code identifies a life event such as marriage. An enrollment or change by override cannot be made without an enrollment event, but the code does not need to appear on the form. Values are:

0: Plan and option description.

1: Self service description.