Ending Enrollment Using Overrides

Access the Enrollment Overrides form.

To end enrollment using overrides:

  1. To locate the employee's plans, complete the Employee Identification field and click Find.

  2. To end enrollment in a single plan, complete these fields for that plan and click OK:

    • End Status

    • Ending Date

  3. To end enrollment in all plans, select End Enrollment from the Form menu.

  4. On the Stop - Override Date and Status form, complete these fields and click OK:

    • Enrollment End Date

    • Enrollment End Status

When you end an employee's enrollment in a benefit plan for which employee payroll history exists, the system updates the employee's DBA instructions with an ending date for the associated DBA. Depending on how the enrollment ending date corresponds to the payroll cycle, the ending date for the DBA might differ from the enrollment ending date. When the enrollment ending date is greater than the DBA history date, the date that the system assigns for the DBA ending date is one day prior to the enrollment ending date. When the enrollment end date precedes the date on which the DBA was last recorded in the employee's payroll history, the DBA ending date is the payroll period end date that was last recorded in the DBA record.

Typically, when you end an employee's enrollment in one plan at the same time that you enroll the employee in another plan, the effective date of the DBA that is associated with the new plan is the same as the effective enrollment date for the new plan if the enrollment date is after the DBA history date. Otherwise, the new DBA begin date will be one day after the DBA payroll history date, which is different from the enrollment date. This situation generally occurs when you correct a mistaken enrollment after payroll has been processed.