Enrolling Dependents and Beneficiaries in Benefit Plans

Access the Dependents/Beneficiaries By EE form.

To enroll dependents and beneficiaries in benefit plans:

  1. Complete these fields in the detail area:

    • Dep./Ben. Address (dependent/beneficiary address)

    • R L (relationship)

    • Plan ID (plan identification)

  2. If you want to add a new dependent or beneficiary at this time, highlight a blank row in the grid and select Dep/Ben Entry from the Row menu.

  3. If the plan has options, complete the Add Opt field.

  4. Complete these optional fields:

    • Effective Date

    • Ending Date

      The system displays a D in the DB field if the plan requires dependents, or a B if the plan requires beneficiaries. The system also displays the dependent's or beneficiary's birth date and tax ID number.

  5. For a plan in which the person is a beneficiary, complete these fields:

    • DB Ty (dependent beneficiary type)

    • Ben % (beneficiary percentage)

      The total of the beneficiary percentages for each beneficiary type for a specific plan must equal 100 percent. For example, if an employee elects two primary beneficiaries for a life insurance plan and assigns one of these beneficiaries a beneficiary percentage of 50 percent, then the other primary beneficiary must also have a beneficiary percentage of 50 percent, for a total of 100 percent. The total of contingent beneficiaries for the same plan must also equal 100 percent.

  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each plan for which the person is a dependent or beneficiary.

    You might need to enter more than one record for a particular person. For example, you must enter three records for a person who is a dependent for the medical plan and the dental plan and is a beneficiary for the life insurance plan.

  7. Click OK.

After you link a dependent or beneficiary record to an employee record, a field at the bottom of the Dependent/Beneficiary Entry form displays the employee's name and employee number. Also, the dependent's or beneficiary's mailing address can be updated with the employee's mailing address. If you selected the Employee Identification option on Dependent/Beneficiary Entry form, the linked employee's address updates the Dependents/Beneficiaries by EE (employee) Entry form if the addresses are different.

Effective Date

Enter the date on which the benefit plan goes into effect. Complete this field and click Find to display all enrollments that begin on or after this date.

Limit the form display by typing a date in the Effective Date field in the upper portion of the form. The system displays only the dependent/beneficiary relationships in effect on that date. The system assumes that relationships not limited by effective date are always in effect, so these relationships also appear.

Dep./Ben. Address (dependent/beneficiary address)

Enter the address number of the participant as defined in the Participant file table (F08901).

R L (relationship)

Enter a UDC 08/RL that defines the relationship of the dependent or beneficiary to the employee.

Add Opt (additional options)

Enter a code that identifies any additional options available for a benefit plan that have been defined in the Plan Additional Options table (F083202).

Note: Additional options must have the same provider, policy number, and enrollment and eligibility rules as the benefit plan to which they are associated.
D B (dependent beneficiary)

Enter a code that indicates whether the person is a dependent or a beneficiary of the employee. Values are:

D: The person is a dependent.

B: The person is a beneficiary.

Blank: The system automatically designates the person as a beneficiary or dependent, depending on the benefit plan type.

This field is enabled when the Plan ID column is blank.

DB Ty (dependent beneficiary type)

Enter a UDC 08/DB used to specify whether a beneficiary is primary or contingent.

Ben % (benefit percentage)

Enter the percentage of any proceeds from the benefit that goes to the participant. For example, you can designate that as the primary beneficiary, the participant is to receive 90 percent of the proceeds from a life insurance policy.

This percentage must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 100.

If you do not enter a value in this field, the system enters 100 percent.