Linking Allocation Funds to Plans

Access the Fund Allocation Setup form.

To link allocation funds to plans:

  1. To locate the retirement or investment plan, complete the Plan ID field and click Find.

  2. Select a blank record in the detail area, and then select DBA Setup from the Row menu.

  3. On the Work With PDBAs form, click Accrual and then click Add.

  4. On the Basic DBA Information form, in the DBA Code field in the header area, enter a number that is greater than both the employee-paid deduction DBA and the employer-paid benefit DBA.

  5. Complete the Paystub Text field.

  6. Enter G in the Source of Calculation field.

  7. Enter % in the Method of Calculation field.

  8. Verify that the Calculate Even If No Gross option is cleared.

  9. Enter the same values that you entered for the DBA for the employee-paid retirement or investment deduction in the Pay Period of the Month field.

  10. Select one of these options:

    • Calculate Only During 1st Period Worked of Month

    • Calculate Only Once Per Pay Period

  11. Click OK.

  12. On the General Accounting/Arrearage Information form, complete these fields and click OK:

    • Effect on GL (effect on General Ledger)

    • Payee

  13. On the Basis of Calculation form, enter the codes for the employee-paid and employer-paid DBAs in these fields and click OK:

    • From PDBA

    • Thru PDBA

  14. On the Basic DBA Information form, click Cancel.

  15. On the Work with PDBAs form, click Close.

  16. On the Fund Allocation Setup form, enter the new PDBA code in the PDBA Code field, and then press Tab.

    The new PDBA appears in the detail area.

  17. Click OK to save the new PDBA.

DBA Code

Enter a code that defines the type of deduction, benefit, or accrual.

Pay types are numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are numbered from 1000 to 9999.

Paystub Text

Enter the text that the system prints on the employee's paystub. If you are using Time and Labor, the system does not create payments. However, this field is required to complete the form. Generally, you enter a description of the PDBA.

Source of Calculation

Enter a code from UDC 07/DB that specifies the basis of a deduction, benefit, or accrual. When the system calculates the gross amount for disposable net wages, it does not use the basis of calculation. The gross amount includes all earnings that have a positive effect on the gross and net payment. For wage attachments, enter one of these values:

1-8: Garnishment, tax levy, wage assignment (child support and maintenance)

R: Loan and interest

0: Fees

Method of Calculation

Enter a code from UDC 07/DM that specifies the method that the system uses to perform calculations. For example, the system uses a method of calculation to calculate deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs) and workers' compensation insurance.

The method values are preset. If you use methods 0 to 6,8,9, or G, you must also enter a value in the Table Code field.

For wage attachments, enter one of these values:

C: Wage assignment (child support and maintenance)

G: Garnishment

K: Loan

L: Tax levy

A: Fees

%: Interest

Calculate Even If No Gross

Select this options to calculate the DBA when an employee has no gross pay and no PDBA codes existing in the basis of calculation.

When an employee has no gross pay, the system calculates the DBA when these conditions exist:

  • The Calculate Even If No Gross option is selected.

  • The source of calculation is G.

  • The method of calculation is $.

  • The system then records the resulting amount in arrears and performs one of these functions:

  • Creates an overpayment for a deduction.

  • Calculates it as a benefit or an accrual.

Note: If the PDBA codes exist in the basis of calculation, the system attempts to calculate the DBA, regardless of this setting.
Pay Period of the Month

Specify the pay period in which the system calculates the DBA or auto-deposit. Values are:

Y: Calculate the DBA or auto-deposit during the current period.

N: Do not calculate the DBA or auto-deposit during the current period.

*: Calculate the DBA or auto-deposit only during the first pay period of each month that the employee works based on the ending date of this month's pay period.

Blank: Continue to look for a code at the lower level. The system searches for DBA/auto deposit rules first at the employee level, then at the group level, and finally at the DBA master level. If the field is blank at all levels, the system does not calculate the DBA/auto deposit in that period.

M: Applies only to benefits based on gross hours or dollars. An M only in the fifth field indicates that the system calculates the benefit during the special timecard post. An M implies a Yes for a weekly withholding frequency.

Calculate Only During 1st Period Worked of Month

Select to indicate whether the deduction, benefit, or accrual is calculated only during the first pay period that an employee works each month.

Calculate Only Once Per Pay Period

Select to indicate whether the deduction, benefit, or accrual is calculated only once in a pay period if the employee receives more than one check.

Effect on GL (effect on General Ledger)

Specify whether you want journal entries passed from payroll to the general ledger and the method you want to use. Values are:

N: Pass only dollars to General Ledger.

M: Do not pass dollars or hours to the general ledger. This value enables an accrual to be tracked in employee payroll history and the dollars to be omitted from the general ledger.


Enter the address book number of the investment program. This is for fund allocations.


Enter the number and description of the PDBA that the system uses to calculate the corresponding PDBA. This number is the beginning number in the range that is the basis of the calculation.


Enter the number and description of the PDBA that the system uses to calculate the corresponding PDBA. This number is the ending number in the range that is the basis of the calculation.