Linking Categories to Benefit Groups

Access the Categories By Benefit Group form.

To link categories to benefit groups:

  1. Select one of the options in the Benefit Group Rule group box to indicate whether the benefit group offers flex plans, and if so, how it treats positive remaining credits.

    • Flex plans not offered.

    • Flex plans offered, positive remaining credits allowed.

    • Flex plans offered, positive remaining credits not allowed.

  2. Complete these fields and click OK:

    • Group Category

    • Seq. Num. (sequence number)

    • C R (category rule)

    • Category Type

Flex plans not offered

Select this option to indicate that flex plans are not offered.

Flex plans offered, positive remaining credits allowed

Select this option to indicate that flex plans are offered and the system tracks flex credits that remain after an employee has enrolled in benefit plans.

Flex plans offered, positive remaining credits not allowed

Select this option to indicate that flex plans are offered and the system does not track flex credits that remain after an employee has enrolled in benefit plans.

C R (category rule)

Enter a code for a rule that defines the election criteria for a benefit category. Options are:

Blank: No rule applies. The enrollee can select any items.

O: Optional. The enrollee can select one.

R: Required. The enrollee must select one.

Category Type

Enter a code that identifies categories for DBAs that use special flex calculation plans, such as lump sum employer flex credits and employee flex deductions when remaining flex credits are negative.