
These processing options specify the type of information to process during a batch enrollment.

1. Mode

Specify whether you want to process enrollments in proof mode or final mode. Values are:

0: Proof mode. The system prints the requested reports without updating the employees' DBA instructions. Use the report to verify enrollment information before you process enrollments in final mode.

1: Final mode. The system prints the requested reports and updates the database. Use this mode after you have verified enrollment information and are ready to update the employees' DBA instructions.

2. Category

Specify the category for which you want to process enrollments. If you leave this processing option blank, the system processes all categories.

3. Plan

Specify the plan in which to enroll employees. If you leave this processing option blank, the system runs batch enrollment for all plans.

4. Plan Additional Option

Specify a Plan Additional Option to run batch processing. If you leave this processing option blank, the system runs batch processing for all Plan Additional Options. This processing option must be a valid Plan Additional Option and must be used with the Plan ID processing option.

5. Ending Enrollment Status

Specify the UDC 08/ES that affects enrollments in only those plans for which you entered an ending date in either the Plan Master (P08320) or Plans within Categories (P08351). For example, a flexible spending account plan might have an ending date because employees must re-enroll in the plan each year. Specify the UDC 08/ES for the ending enrollment status assigned to enrollments in these plans. The system assigns the ending enrollment status when you enroll the employee in the plan.

6. Benefit Status

Specify the change of benefit status of the employees in the report. Values are:

0: Status changed to active.

1: Status is not changed.

7. R083805 Version

Specify the value in which version of the Update Flex Payroll Deduction UBE (R083805) should be run. If this fields is left blank, then you can not run the R083805.