Revising Fund Allocation Start Dates

Access the Work With Allocations By Employee form.

To revise fund allocation start dates:

  1. On the Work With Allocations By Employee form, locate the employee's allocations by completing these fields:

    • Employee Identification

    • Plan ID

  2. Select one of these options and then click Find:

    • Current Enrollment

    • Prior Enrollment

    • All

  3. Select the record that contains the allocation with the incorrect start date and click Delete.

  4. On the Delete Confirmation form, click Yes.

  5. Select the record that contains the latest allocation for the enrollment, and then select Allocations by EE from the Row menu.

  6. Enter the correct percentage in the New Percent % field and click OK.

    • Current Enrollment

      If you select this check box, this system displays records without an enrollment end date or an enrollment end date after the system date

    • Prior Enrollment

      If you select this check box, the system displays records with an enrollment end date prior to the system date

    • All

      If you select this check box, the system does not filter records based on the enrollment dates.

    • New Percent %

      Displays the percentage of the total contribution (employee and employer) that the employee allots to the various 401(k) investment funds. The percentages, if not 0, must be greater than 5 percent and they must total 100 percent.