
Select the Self-Service tab.

Short Plan/Plan Option Description

Enter a short description (up to 15 characters) of the benefit plan or benefit plan option.

Plan Grouping Code

Enter a code to designate which benefit plans or benefit plan options are related, based on a provider or other criteria.

Track Primary Care Physician (PCP)

Select to specify whether the benefit plan or benefit plan option tracks primary care physician numbers. If you select this option, then the system displays a form during the enrollment process for an employee to enter the number for a primary care physician.

Select this check box for plans and plan options that track numbers for primary care physicians.

Non-Participating Plan Flag

Enter a code to specify whether an employee can elect to decline participation in the benefit plan.

Minimum Dependents

Enter the minimum number of people that can be covered under a particular plan or plan option. This number includes the employee. For example, if the plan allows an employee plus one dependent, then the minimum number is 2.

Maximum Dependent

Enter the maximum number of dependents that can be enrolled in a benefit plan.