Setting Up a Lump Sum Credit Plan

Access the Plan Master form.

To set up a lump sum credit plan:

  1. Complete the Plan ID field.

  2. In the unlabeled field following the Plan ID field, enter the name of the plan.

  3. Enter the address book number of the company in the Provider/Trustee field.

  4. Select these options:

    • Mandatory

    • Flex Plan

  5. Select the Calc./Eligibility (calculation/eligibility) tab.

  6. Enter the lump sum credit benefit or accrual DBA in the ER Flex Credits field.

  7. Complete these required fields:

    • Init Elig Table (initial eligibility table)

    • Cont Elig Table (continuing eligibility table)

  8. Click OK.

After you set up the lump sum credit category and plan, you must link the plan to the category.