Setting Up COBRA Qualifying Event Constants

Access the Qualifying Event Constants form.

To set up COBRA qualifying event constants:

  1. Complete the Qualifying Event field:

  2. Select the Coverage Information tab, and complete these fields for regular employees:

    • Regular Coverage Period

    • Regular Administrative Fee

    • Regular Admin. Fee Method (regular administrative fee method)

  3. Complete these fields for disabled employees:

    • Disabled Coverage Period

    • Disabled Administration Fee

    • Disabled Admin. Fee Method (disabled administrative fee method)

  4. Complete these fields for dependent coverage information:

    • Coverage Period

    • Dependent Administrative Fee

    • Dependent Admin Fee Method (dependent administrative fee method)

  5. Select the Grace Periods tab, and complete these fields:

    • Election Period

    • Initial Payment

      You use this information to automatically calculate the due dates for the COBRA election period and initial payment.

  6. To send the COBRA letter to the employee after a qualifying event has occurred, select the Send COBRA Letter To Employee option.

    Clear this option for some qualifying events. For example, in the event of the employee's death, you would not want to mail the COBRA letter to the employee. In the event of divorce, you would want to mail the COBRA letter to the employee's spouse, rather than to the employee. You also clear the Send COBRA Letter To Employee option for the Dependent Coming of Age and Medicare events.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for all qualifying event codes.

    • Regular Coverage Period

      Enter a number that indicates the length, in months, of the continuation coverage period for regular participants.

    • Disabled Coverage Period

      Enter a number that indicates the length, in months, of the continuation coverage period for disabled participants.

    • Coverage Period

      Enter a number that indicates the length, in months, of the dependent continuation coverage period.

    • Send COBRA Letter To Employee

      Indicates whether to send a COBRA or HIPAA letter to an employee. Values are:

      1: Send.

      0: Do not send.