Setting Up Date Codes for a Length of Time After a Specified Date

Access the Define Date Codes form.

Number of Dys, Mos or Yrs (number of days, months, or years)

Use this field in conjunction with the Basis (Day, Month, Year) field and the Date to Follow field to define an enrollment date that is a specified number of days, months, or years after a particular date.

For example, if you want the effective date of enrollment to be one year after the employee's original hire date, define these fields as follows:

  • Enter 1 in this field.

  • Select the Year option.

  • Enter the UDC 08/D2 that indicates original hire date in the Date to Follow field.

When you run an eligibility test, the system searches the Employee Master Information table (F060116) for employees eligible to enroll in the plan because they meet these requirements.

Basis Default

Use this field in conjunction with the Number of Dys, Mos or Yrs field and the Date to Follow field to define an enrollment date that is a specified number of days, months, or years after a particular date.