Setting Up Enrollment Parameters

Access the Batch Enrollment Parameters form.

To set up enrollment parameters:

  1. Complete these fields for the most detailed parameter:

    • Plan ID

    • Benefit Status

    • Enrollment Status

  2. Click the Valid Plan option.

  3. Complete either the Eligibility Check field or the Date Code field.

  4. To use a status that corresponds to a date code, complete the Enrollment Status field in the Action group box.

  5. To specify that the enrollments in the plan be printed on a manual review request report and processed manually instead of being processed automatically by the system, select the Manual Review (Y/N) option.

  6. To have the system include an employee's previous eligibility information when it tests for eligibility, select the Consider Previous Eligibility option.

    When you select this option, a second row of eligibility fields appears on the form.

  7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for the second row of eligibility fields.

    When you set up a parameter to review previous eligibility, the first row of eligibility fields applies when previous eligibility is met. The second row applies when previous eligibility is not met.

  8. Click OK.

  9. For each additional enrollment parameter that you want to set up, repeat steps 1 through 9, completing only the relevant fields.

Enrollment Status

Enter a code from UDC 08/ES that indicates the status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. Use these restrictions for the definitions:

All statuses indicating active participation in a plan must begin with the letter A.

All statuses indicating an ending status that does not result in a new enrollment (such as a termination) must have the letter X in the first position of Description 2 (data item DL02), on the General User-Defined Codes form.

A status beginning with the letter X when used as an ending status, represents a mistaken enrollment. No employee DBA instructions are written.

An asterisk (*) indicates all statuses not otherwise specified.

Valid Plan

Select to indicate whether the specified plan is a valid plan for the employee. A valid plan is one that is available within the employee's benefit group.

Eligibility Check

Enter a code to indicate which eligibility test to run. Codes are:

Blank: Do not test for eligibility.

I: Test for initial eligibility.

C: Test for continuing eligibility.

The system uses this field to test for eligibility when previous eligibility has been met.

Date Code

Enter a code that indicates the date that the employee's new enrollment record begins after the system determines that the employee is not eligible for a plan. These codes are defined in the Define Date Codes table (F08395).

The system uses this field to test for eligibility when previous eligibility has been met.

Enrollment Status

Enter a code that indicates the ending status of an employee's enrollment in a plan. This status represents the reason for ending the old enrollment and is used as the beginning status of any resulting new enrollment.

You can define this code using UDC 08/ES. See data item XDFS (Status - Enrollment) for restrictions on the allowed values.

Note: An ending status that begins with the letter X represents a mistaken enrollment.

The system uses this field to test for eligibility when previous eligibility has been met.

Manual Review (Y/N) (manual review [yes/no])

Enter a code that indicates whether the enrollment being processed should be printed on the Manual Review Requested report so the record can be handled manually rather than through the batch process.

Consider Previous Eligibility

Enter a code that indicates whether the employee was previously eligible for the plan. Values are:

Blank: Do not check for previous eligibility.

Y: Yes, the employee was previously eligible.

N: No, the employee was not previously eligible.

If the system finds a code in this field, it then searches the detail area for further information.