Understanding COBRA Qualifying Event Rules

After you have set up constants, you set up COBRA qualifying event rules to link changes within an employee's personal data to COBRA qualifying events. The system reads the qualifying event rules to determine whether any changes in the employee record constitute a COBRA qualifying event. You need to set up qualifying event rules when you use automated COBRA administration. The notifications for these COBRA qualifying events can be automated by setting up qualifying event rules:

  • Death

  • Divorce or legal separation

  • Termination of employment

  • Work hour reduction

When you make changes to related fields in the Employee Master Information table (F060116) and you have set up qualifying event rules, the system updates these tables:

  • F08910

  • F08920

  • F089101

To track employee eligibility for Medicare, set up an Employee Master category code to identify Medicare employees. Then, set up an event rule for that category code that triggers a qualified event if the employee begins receiving Medicare. When setting up the event constant for Medicare, clear the Send COBRA Letter To Employee option.