Understanding Pay Type Table Setup

If you plan to set up eligibility tables that are based on timecard hours (method H), you must set up a pay type table for each hour-eligibility requirement that you define for the eligibility table.

When you set up a pay type table, you enter a range of pay type numbers. The system uses this range to calculate the number of hours for each pay type that determines the employee's eligibility.

For example, to include all pay types in the eligibility test, enter pay type 001 through 999. To exclude specified pay types, set up a table with more than one range. For example, to exclude pay type 450 only, set up the following two ranges:

  • 001 through 449

  • 451 through 999

In each table, you can set up as many ranges as necessary, but you cannot overlap any of the ranges within a table. For example, the system does not accept these two ranges in one table:

  • 001 through 449

  • 445 through 999