
These processing options specify whether to update the master files and whether to activate the new hire process during employee quick hire.

1. Update Master Files (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify the tables that the system updates when you use Employee Quick Hire to add employee records. When you enter 0 (Blank), the system updates only the Unedited Quick Hire Transaction File table (F060116Z). When you enter 1, the system updates the following tables:

  • Employee Master Information (F060116)

  • Requisition Activity (F08105)

  • Applicant Master (F08401)

  • Address Book (F0101)

  • HR History (F08042)

Values are:

0: Update only the Unedited Quick Hire Transaction File table.

1: Update all of the linked tables.

If you set the processing option to 0, you can review and revise the employee information before the system updates the tables. After you review and revise information, you need to run the Process Pending Employees program (R060116P) to update the tables.

2. New Hire

Specify whether to activate the new hire process. Values are:

1: Activate.

0: Do not activate.

When the new hire process is activated (the processing option is set to 1), these fields are required:

  • Alpha Name

  • Supervisor

  • Start Date (Effective Date)

  • Job Type and Step

In addition, the system:

  • Adds a record to the Address Book table (F0101) for each record that is added to the Unedited Quick Hire Transaction table (F060116Z).

    The address book records are added with a search type of N.

  • Adds a record to the Employee Setup Master table (F08710) for each record that is added to the Unedited Quick Hire Transaction table (F060116Z).

  • Uses workflow to notify the supervisor with an E-mail.

3. Address Book Search

Specify whether the Address Book search functionality should be activated. Values are:

1: Activate the Address Book search.

0: Do not activate the Address Book search.

4. Overwrite Input Values

Specify whether the system should retrieve the values for the terminated employees during import. Values are:

0: Retrieve the values available in the system to the grid columns (any values provided will be overwritten).

1: Use values available to the grid. Do not fetch system values.

5. Effective On (EFTO) in Employee History (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify whether to update the Effective On column in the history table (F08042) with the system date or the date started for an employee. Values are:

1: Update with Date Started (DST).

0: Update with System Date.

6. Display Personal Information (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify whether the system should display the personal information of the employee. Values are:

1: Display the personal information of the employee.

0: Do not display the personal information of the employee.

If you set the processing option to 1, the values of the following fields are displayed:

  • Home Address

  • Salary/Hourly Rate

  • Phone Number

  • SSN