
Use these processing options to specify to specify whether you want to run this report in final mode so that master files are updated and processed records are deleted.

1. Update Master Files

Specify the tables that the system updates when you use Employee Quick Hire to add employee records. When you enter 0 (Blank), the system updates only the Unedited Quick Hire Transaction File table (F060116Z).

When you enter 1, the system also updates these tables in addition to the F060116Z table:

  • Employee Master Information (F060116)

  • Requisition Activity (F08105)

  • Applicant Master (F08401)

  • Address Book (F0101)

  • HR History (F08042)

Values are:

0: Update only the Unedited Quick Hire Transaction File table.

1: Update all of the linked tables.

If you set the processing option to 0, you can review and revise the employee information before the system updates the databases. After you review and revise information, you need to run the Process Pending Employees program (R060116P) to update the databases.

2. Purge Processed Records

Specify whether to allow the system to delete records automatically after they have been successfully updated in the master tables. If you do not have the records deleted automatically, you can delete them later by running the Purge Pending Employees program (P060116PP). Values are:

1: Delete.

0: Do not delete.

3. Effective On (EFTO) in Employee History (Release 9.2 Update)

Use this processing option to specify whether to update the Effective On column in the history table (F08042) with the system date or the date started for an employee. Values are:

1: Update with Date Started (DST).

0: Update with System Date.