Adding Basic DBA Information

Access the Basic DBA Information form.

Note: This section discusses how to add basic DBA information. Table method DBA setup, including calculation tables, is discussed in a later section.

See Setting Up Table Method DBAs

DBA Code

Enter a code that defines the type of DBA.

Deductions and benefits are numbered from 1000 to 9999.

DBA Type

The system displays the type of payroll entry, based on the value you select on the Work With PDBAs form. Values are:

P: Pay type (earnings).

D: Deductions withheld.

B: Benefit (both cash and non-cash).

A: Time accrual, such as sick and vacation time.

Note: These values can be changed only by Oracle.
Paystub Text

Enter text that you want the system to print on the employee's paystub. If you are using the Time and Labor system, the system does not create payments. However, this field is required to complete the form. Generally, you enter a description of the PDBA.

French CDN. Paystub Text (French Canadian paystub text)

Enter the French text that you want the system to print on a Canadian employee's paystub. If you are using the Time and Labor system, the system does not create payments. However, this field is required to complete the form. Generally, you enter a description of the PDBA.

Print Method

Enter a code that identifies whether the PDBA is to be printed on the paystub or whether it is to be printed on a payment that is separate from other PDBAs.

Values for pay types and payroll taxes include:

Y: Print on paystub (default).

S: Print separate payment (one item per payment).

C: Print separate payment (C types combined).

N: Do not print on paystub.

Values for DBAs include:

Y: Print as total deductions (default).

S: Print separate payment (one item per payment).

C: Print separate payment (include detail).

N: Do not print on paystub.

I: Print individual DBA codes.

T: Print by DBA print group.

The separate payment feature is not available for any payroll taxes being withheld from the employee's payment.

Print Method Category

Enter a code from user-defined codes (UDC) 06/PC that categorizes the PDBA. The category is listed on the paystub. You can have more than one PDBA for each category. For example, V, for overtime, might include time and a half and double time.

Source of Calculation

Enter a code from UDC 07/DB that specifies the basis of a DBA. When the system calculates the gross amount for disposable net wages, it does not use the basis of calculation. The gross amount includes all earnings that have a positive effect on the gross and net payment. For wage attachments, use one of these codes:

18: Garnishment, tax levy, wage assignment (child support and maintenance).

R: Loan, interest.

0: Fees.

Method of Calculation

Enter a user-defined code (system 07, type DM) that specifies the method that the system uses to perform certain calculations. For example, the system uses a method of calculation to calculate DBAs and workers' compensation insurance.

The method of calculation values are hard-coded. If you use methods 0 through 6, 8, 9, G, or M, you must also enter a value in the Table Code field.

See Setting Up Table Method DBAs

For wage attachments, use one of these methods:

C: Wage assignment (child support and maintenance).

G: Garnishment.

K: Loan.

L: Tax levy.

A: Fees.

%: Interest.

See Understanding Deductions for Wage Attachments Setup

Table Code

Enter the table number that the system uses if the calculation requires table values.

For method of calculation M, you must enter a table code with table method R1, R2, R3, or R4. For other methods of calculation, you cannot use table methods R1, R2, R3, and R4.

Effect on Gross/Net Pay

Enter a code that specifies the effect a benefit has on gross and net income. Values are:

1: A noncash benefit that is nontaxable. The benefit, which is a journal entry only, has no effect on gross or net income.

2: A cash benefit that is taxable. The system adds the benefit to gross and net income.

3: A noncash benefit that is taxable. The system adds the benefit to the taxable gross income, but there is no effect on net income other than the tax that is withheld.

4: A cash benefit that is nontaxable. The benefit has no effect on gross income, and the system adds the benefit to net income as an adjustment to net pay. In addition, the system adds this type of benefit to gross wages on the payroll register so that gross − deductions = net.

Calculate Even If No Gross

Enter an option to calculate a DBA when an employee has no gross pay and no PDBA codes exist in the basis of calculation.

When an employee has no gross pay, the system calculates the DBA when:

  • The Calculate Even If No Gross option is selected.

  • The source of calculation is G.

  • The method of calculation is $.

The system then records the resulting amount in arrears and performs one of these functions:

  • Creates an overpayment for a deduction.

  • Calculates it as a benefit or an accrual.

Note: If the PDBA codes exist in the basis of calculation, the system attempts to calculate the DBA, regardless of this setting.
Effect on Disposable Wage

This code designates whether a DBA is subtracted from gross to determine an employee's disposable wages. Values are:

1: Voluntary.

These deductions are subtracted from gross to determine disposable wages for deductions with a Source of Calculation of 1, 5, and 7.

2: Mandatory.

These deductions are subtracted from gross to determine disposable wages for deductions with a Source of Calculation of 1, 2, 4,5, 6, and 7.

Amount Rate 1

Enter a value that specifies a percentage, a monetary amount, or an hourly rate, depending on where it is used. For a DBA, the meaning of this value depends on the method of calculation. The method determines whether the deduction is a flat monetary amount, a percentage, or a multiplication rate. Table method DBAs, depending on which table method they use, can either use this amount in the calculation or ignore it. If exceptions to the table calculation exist, you can override the table code in the detail area, set up a flat monetary DBA amount, or override the amount with a one-time override for a timecard. Values are:

1: Amount does not override the hourly rate.

For a pay type, amounts entered in this field do not override the hourly rate.

2: Amount overrides the hourly rate.

For a pay type, amounts entered in this field override the hourly rate.

Annual Limit 1

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a year for a deduction or a benefit. This amount is expressed in dollars. This amount refers to the gross pay/amount field.

In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system, this field can represent either an initial annual limitation or a final limitation in a year. For example:

If the Annual (Level 1) field is not blank, this amount represents the first level of the yearly limitation. The value in Annual (Level 2) represents the final limitation.

If an annual limit is specified on a DBA calculation table, the annual limit from the table takes precedence over annual limits defined at the master DBA or employee levels.

Amount Rate 2

Enter the second amount or rate associated with a DBA. Because many DBA types require multiple tiers, two levels of Amount (Rate) exist. The system uses the first level, Amount (Rate) 1, until the annual limit is reached. Then the second level, Amount (Rate) 2, begins the next time the employee is paid. Amount (Rate) 2 continues until the second annual limit is reached.

This field works in conjunction with the annual limit fields. The rate you enter in this field supersedes any other table rate for an employee, except for one-time overrides during time entry.

Annual Limit 2

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a year for a deduction or a benefit. This amount is expressed in dollars. This amount refers to the gross pay/amount field.

Note: This field represents the second level annual limitation. It is used when there is an initial limitation and a corresponding rate, which is followed up by a new rate and a final limitation. This field cannot be used independently. The Annual (Level 1) field must always contain a value.
History Retrieval Flag

Enter an option that determines how the system retrieves PDBA history for an employee. This value works in conjunction with the Retrieve PDBA History System Flag on the Additional Options tab of the Company Options form for Company 0 (zero). If that option is set to look at each PDBA to determine how to retrieve PDBA history, you must enter a value in this field. Values are:

1: Retrieve PDBA historical amounts using the Corporate Tax ID associated with the Home Company on the employee's timecard. (Default)

2: Retrieve PDBA historical amounts across all Corporate Tax IDs for which the employee has history for the current year.

3: Retrieve PDBA history for the corporate tax IDs that belong to the same company (that is, the first nine digits of the IDs are the same) on the employee's timecard. PDBA history of all tax IDs that underwent rate code change (example, from U01 to U02) is retrieved.

Note: This option is applicable for Canadian employees.
Rate Control (PDBA Effective Dates)

Enter a value from UDC 07/RN that defines the date that is effective for the PDBA. The system uses this field to control the rate that it uses to calculate a DBA when multiple rates are valid within the pay cycle. During payroll and interim processes, this value determines whether the system uses the ending rate, beginning rate, or prorates all rates it finds within a pay cycle period. Values are:

1: Use the rate that is valid at the end of the pay period.

2: Use the rate that is valid at the beginning of the pay period.

3: Prorate the DBA calculation using all rates.

Note: When you set this value to 3, (prorate the DBA calculation) two results are possible based on the type of DBA. DBAs that include flat calculations (dollars or accrued hours) use the number of days in the pay period in which the instruction is valid, divided by the total number of days in the pay period, to determine a proration factor. The system then multiplies the flat amount by the proration factor to produce the final DBA calculation. The system performs this calculation for each valid DBA instruction during a pay cycle period. All other calculations use this definition of proration: The DBA uses only those items that include an effective date that falls within the effective date of the instruction or within the effective dates of the calculation range as a basis of calculation.
Pay Period of the Month

Enter a code designating the pay period in which the system calculates the DBA. Values are:

Y: Take the DBA during the current period.

N: Do not take the DBA during the current period.

*: Take the DBA only during the first pay period of each month that the employee works based on the ending date of this month's pay period.

Blank: Continue to look for a code at the lower level. The system searches for DBA rules first at the employee level, then at the group level, and finally at the DBA master level. If the field is blank at all levels, the system does not calculate the DBA in that period.

M: Apply only to benefits based on gross hours or dollars. An M in the fifth field tells the system to calculate the benefit only during the special timecard post. An M implies a Yes for a weekly withholding frequency.

Note: Some organizations may have the need to process a sixth, or special, payroll during a month.
Calculate Only During 1st Period Worked of Month

Enter a code that indicates whether the DBA should calculate only during the first pay period that an employee works each month.

Calculate Only Once Per Pay Period

Enter a code that indicates whether the DBA should be calculated only once in a pay period if the employee receives more than one check.