Bank Info.

1. Originating Financial Organization No. (originating financial organization number)

Enter the transit routing number used to identify the financial organization to which the deposit tape is being sent for processing. Obtain this code from the bank at which your company's payroll account is maintained.

This bank serves as a clearing house for your employees' automatic deposits'. Using the Individuals Financial Organization No (IFO#) and Financial Organization Account Number (FOA#), this bank will route--through electronic funds transfers (EFT)--each employee's deposit to his own account at his own financial institution.

2. Service Class Code

Enter a code to identify the general classification of dollar entries to be exchanged. This standard is used to facilitate transmission of data between organizations. Automated Clearing House (ACH) entries required for payroll deposits use the following service class codes:

200: ACH entries mixed debit and credits

220: ACH credits only (batch format)

225: ACH debits only (batch format).

At the time of this writing, only the use of class 200 is recommended.

3. Standard Entry Class

Enter a code to distinguish the various kinds of paperless entries. The following entry classes have been defined:

SIA: Single item authorization

PPD: Pre-arranged payments and deposits.

At the time of this writing, only PPD is recommended for the entry class.

4. Off Set Begin Deposit Date

Specify whether to use a default for the begin deposit date.

0: Do not default the Begin Deposit Date.

1: Default the Begin Deposit Date.

5. Off Set Begin Deposit Date

Specify the number of offset days that the system uses for the pay start date.

When you enter 0 or leave this field blank, the system uses the current date. When you enter a value of 1 or greater, the system uses the current date plus that value.

This feature works only when the effective deposit date follows the MMDDYY format, which is required by ACH. Values are:

0 or Blank: The system uses the current date.

X (a value of 1 or greater): The system uses the current date plus the number of days specified.