Basis of Calculation for a DBA

The system must have a value on which to base the calculation for each DBA. This value is called the basis of calculation.

You set up a basis of calculation for a DBA to define the base value that the system uses to calculate the DBA during payroll processing. A DBA can be based on pay types, on another DBA, or on a combination of both pay types and DBAs (PDBAs). To define the base value, you must list one or more PDBA codes for each DBA that you create.

To determine which PDBA codes to assign to the DBAs that you set up, consider:

  • If you base a DBA on another DBA, both the From PDBA Type field and the Thru PDBA Type field must contain the same code (the code for the basis DBA).

  • If you base a DBA on all pay types, enter code 1 in the From PDBA Type field and code 999 in the Thru PDBA Type field.

  • If you base the DBA on a selected group of pay types, include only those pay types in the From PDBA Type and Thru PDBA Type fields.

    For example, if you base a DBA on all pay types except 801, enter 1 in the From PDBA Type field and 800 in the Thru PDBA Type field on the first line. On the second line, enter 802 in the From PDBA Type field and 999 in the Thru PDBA Type field.