Cost Center Tax Area Processing Report

The Cost Center Tax Area Processing program (R079052) is normally used to set up tax area information at a system level, based on address book information that you enter about each cost center when you are initially setting up the software. The system communicates the address book information to the GeoCoder program from Vertex, Inc. and GeoCoder returns nine digit geocodes for each cost center that are used by the Business Unit Constants program (P059051A).

This batch-processing program selects business units in the Business Unit Master table (F0006) to assign and validate tax areas. To assign or validate a business unit tax area, the job address book number must not be blank in the F0006 table. The batch program provides the city, state, and zip code that is linked to each job address number to the Vertex system. The Vertex GeoCoder returns each corresponding tax area and updates the F0006 table. The report that the batch-processing program produces lists any errors that might exist. When no errors exist, the report also reports that status.

You might also use the Cost Center Tax Area Processing program when adding a business unit or changing the address of a business unit. This program also supports similar changes for Canadian organizations by supplying cost center tax area codes for provinces.