DBA Verification

You should research these questions when the system does not calculate a DBA as you expect:

  • For whom is the DBA not being calculated? One employee? A group of employees? Everyone?

  • At what level is the DBA assigned? Employee? Union? Required? One-Time Override?

  • Does the DBA have start or stop dates?

  • What is the value of the Calculate if No Gross field?

  • Does the employee have gross wages?

  • What is the DBA method? Flat dollar amount? Percentage? Wage attachment?

  • Does the DBA use a calculation-table code for its calculation?

  • Does the DBA have limits? If it has a limit, has the limit been met?

  • Are the PDBAs in the Basis of Calculations table correct?

  • Is the DBA based on another DBA? If so, does the based-on DBA calculate first?

  • Does the DBA have a declining balance? If so, is an amount due?

  • What is the value of the Calculate in Pre-Payroll field?

  • Has the DBA already been calculated for this period?

  • What is the employee's pay frequency? Biweekly? Semimonthly? Monthly? Weekly?

  • Which period of the month are you processing?

  • What is the value of the DBA Specification Withholding field?

  • What payroll processes are you using? Pre-payroll? Interims?

  • Does the value in the Period Number field in the pre-payroll parameters correspond to the value in the DBA Specifications Withholding field?

  • Does the DBA calculate in a test interim?

  • What is the value of the Z column on the employee's DBA Instructions form?