
Use these processing options to determine what default job-related information the system uses to fill in the employee master information record when you add or change the job type for an employee.

The program uses default information from the Job Information table (F08001) and the Business Unit / Job ID. X-Ref table (F08005), depending on which combination of processing options is set.

The Job Information Add and Job Type Change processing options use data in the F08001 table unless the Business Unit/Job ID Information processing options are set to 1 (default). When the Business Unit/Job ID Information Add and Business Unit/Job ID Information Change processing options are set to 1 and there is a matching business unit / job type record in the F08005 table, the union code, benefit group, and workers compensation information comes from the F08005 table. All other data comes from the F08001 table. If there is no matching business unit/job type record in the F08005 table, all data comes from the F08001 table.

The Job Category Add and Job Category Change processing options use data in the F08001 table if a matching job type/step record exists in that table. If no matching record exists, no data is used and no data is retrieved for the Job Information Add and Job Type Change processing options.

The Job Default Window processing options specify the setting that the system uses to automatically provide information from the F08001 table for the Job Default Window program (P08JD). The system displays the Job Default Window only when you are entering a new employee into the system.

The Business Unit/Job ID Information Add and Business Unit/Job ID Information Change processing options use data in the F08005 table. If the Job Information Add and Job Type Change processing options are set to 1 and a matching record does not exist in the F08005 table, the system uses data from the F08001 table.

1. Job Information Add

Specify whether the system enters default job information into the employee record when you specify a job type for a new employee.

The application uses the following as default data: pay frequency, union code, EEO job category code, pay class, pay grade, overtime exempt, pay grade step, benefit group, workers compensation, and subclass. Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.

Note: Only union code and EEO job category display on the Organizational Assignment form. The rest of the information is used throughout the Employee Master table.
2. Job Information Change

Specify whether the system populates the employee record with default job information when you change a job type for an existing employee.

The application uses the following as default data: pay frequency, union code, EEO job category code, pay class, pay grade, overtime exempt, pay grade step, benefit group, workers compensation, and sub class. Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.

Note: Only union code and EEO job category display on the Organizational Assignment form. The rest of the information is used throughout the Employee Master table.
3. Job Default Window

Specify which of the radio buttons, in the Job Default Window, will be selected when first entering the window. Values are:

0: To specify the Always Use Default Information button.

1: To specify the Only Use Defaults to Overwrite Blank Values button.

4. Job Category Add

Specify whether the system populates the employee record with default job category codes when you specify a job type for a new employee.

The application checks the F08001 table to see if the user-selected job type/step exists. If it does, the application uses any payroll category codes (10 in all) associated with the job type/step in the Employee/Job Category Codes form. Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.

5. Job Category Change

Specify whether the system populates the employee record with default job category codes when you change a job type for an existing employee.

The application checks the F08001 table to see if the user-selected job type/step exists. If it does, the application will use any payroll Category Codes (10 in all) associated with the job type/step in the Employee/Job Category Codes form. Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.

6. Business Unit/Job ID Information Add

Specify whether the system populates the employee record with the default business unit/job information cross-reference when you specify a job type for a new employee.

The application uses the union code, workers compensation, and benefit group from the F08005 table. Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.

Note: Only union code appears on this application. The remaining two are used in the Employee Master table.
7. Business Unit/Job ID Information Change

Specify whether the system populates the employee record with the default business unit/job information cross-reference when you change a job type for an existing employee.

The application uses the union code, workers compensation, and benefit group from the F08005 table. Values are:

0: Do not use default data.

1: Use default data.

Note: Only union code appears on this application. The remaining two are used in the Employee Master table.