Ending Effective Date

Enter the date when an employee should no longer be included in a payroll cycle or the date when an employee stops participating in the company's benefit plans.

You can use this date for terminated employees, seasonal employees, or employees who work only part of the year (such as a teacher who works only nine months of the year).

This date may also be the date that a deduction, benefit, or accrual (DBA) instruction stops. The stop date must be less than the timecard date. To stop a DBA before the next pay cycle, make the stop date one day prior to the first day of the next pay cycle. For example, if the pay cycle runs from October 1 through October 15, set the DBA stop date as September 30.

If both the start and stop dates are within the pay period from and through dates, even if the stop date is not less than the timecard date, the system does not calculate the DBA.

For a flat amount DBA, the system calculates the full DBA for any timecard that falls within the DBA start and stop dates. For DBAs that calculate from a basis amount, such as a percentage rate DBA, the system includes only those timecards that fall within the DBA start and stop dates in the basis of calculation.