Example: Limits on Vacation or Sick-Leave Rollover

Your vacation or sick-leave policy might state that employees can carry forward no more than 80 hours from one year to the next. To administer this policy, you set up a rollover calculation table that allows only 80 hours to roll over into the following year, as shown in this example:

Example of Calculation Table form for vacation rollover hours

The upper and lower limits in the rollover calculation table represent an employee's months of service. To include all employees in this table, use 0.00 as the lower limit and 999999.99 as the upper limit.

The table also specifies any limit to the amount of vacation time that the employee can carry over into the next year. This example allows 80 hours to be carried over to the next year. If your organization applies different limits based on the length of service of the employee, you can enter multiple rows in the rollover calculation table to administer this policy.

When you use two DBAs to track sick or vacation time, the rollover calculation table is associated with the DBA that tracks available time. The amount of available time might include a beginning balance from a prior year. The system compares the total amount to the limit that is entered in the table. Any amount that is over the limit is not rolled over into the new year.

Alternatively, your organization's vacation or sick-leave policy might state that employees cannot carry forward hours or days from one year to the next. To administer this policy, you use a processing option for the Leave Balance Rollover program (R073910) to specify that the program rolls over only the current accrual.