Form Used to Assign Tax Areas Interactively

Form Name




Retrieve GeoCode


Employee Management (G05BE1), Employee Information

Select a record on the Work With Employee Information form and then select Nat'l/Fiscal Data from the Row menu, or click Add and complete the forms and click Continue until you reach the National and Fiscal Data - USA or the National and Fiscal Data - Canada form.

On the National and Fiscal Data - USA form or the National and Fiscal Data - Canada form, click the search button for the Tax Area (Work) field or the Tax Area (Residence) field during the employee entry process or after you have changed an employee's address information.

Assign tax areas interactively.

You can also access this form by clicking the search button for the Tax Area - Payroll field during entry or maintenance of business unit constants.

Note: The system displays the Retrieve GeoCode form only if you have activated the Quantum system with data item HRGEO. If you have not activated the Quantum system, the system displays the Tax Area X-Reference form when you click the Search button.

See Setting Up System Controls