Form Used to Set Up Web Mail Merge Templates

Form Name




Work With Web Mail Merge Templates


HRM Setup (G05B4), Mail Merge Workbench Setup

Define the output queue (from processing options), updates the data structure, and generates required database records.

Generate new web mail merge template records.

Click Find to display the values in the Data Structure Name,Output Queue, and Queue Path columns.

Media Object Queue Revisions


Select MO QUEUE from the Form menu on the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates form.

Click Add on the Work With Media Object Queues form.

Set up a web mail merge queue

Work With Web Mail Merge Migration


On Work With Web Mail Merge Templates, select Migration from the Form menu.

Select one or more existing records and then click Select.

Updates an existing template record and populates the Action and Message columns indicating completion status.

Template Validation


On Work With Web Mail Merge Templates, select a record and then select Validate from the Row menu.

Validate a record and then close this form to return to the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates form.

View Template Document


On the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates form, select a record and then select View Doc File from the Row menu.

View the new document file.

Web Mail Merge Template Details


Select a record on the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates form and click Select.

Click the Edit Template Document button to load the template into Microsoft Word for editing. Edit the structure as needed and then Save As an HTML file. If additional Save As options exist, save the file as Filtered or Compact HTML to reduce the size of the resulting file.

Note: This function requires a security setting in your internet browser that allows Active X controls.

Media Object Mail Merge Template


Select a record on the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates and then select Attachments from the Row menu.

The system displays the HTML code entries.

Exporting the template writes the template to an HTML file on the server.

When you export the template, the system automatically displays the View Template Document form.

View Document Template


Click Formatted View on the Media Object Mail Merge Template form.

Review the new document.