Forms Used to Set Up Web Mail Merge Data Structures

Form Name




Work With Web Mail Merge Templates


HRM Setup (G05B4), Mail Merge Workbench Setup

Access the Work With Web Mail Merge Data Structures form.

Work With Web Mail Merge Data Structures


Select Data Structures from the Form menu.

Manage web mail merge data structures.

Web Mail Merge Data Structures


Click Add on the Work With Web Mail Merge Data Structures form.

Create the new data structure.

Generate Data Structure


Select Generate from the Form menu on the Work With Web Mail Merge Data Structures form.

Generate a new, web mail merge data structure that is based on an existing data structure. This data structure might exist, for example, in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Xe software.

Get Delimiters


Click Generate on the Generate Data Structure form.

This form can also be accessed by selecting Generate DS from the Form menu on the Web Mail Merge Template Details form.

Enter start and end delimiter characters or click Set Default Delimiters to load the values that are specified in the processing options.