GeoCoder Setup

Use the Quantum GeoCoder to automatically assign geocodes, or tax areas, to employees and business units, based on the address information in the employee record or the business unit record. The system uses these codes to determine appropriate tax information for each employee. When you create an employee record, if only one geocode is appropriate for an address, the system automatically assigns the geocode to the record. If multiple geocodes can be used for a specified address, the system displays a list of possible geocodes from which you can select.

You can use the Vertex compression capability with the GeoCoder to improve the ability of the system to recognize many city names that contain abbreviated words and phonetic misspellings. You activate this feature in the Quantum Sales and Use Tax Constants program (P7306).

When you set up the GeoCoder, you can select individual states where your employees live and work; or you can select all states. To limit the size of the Geocoder Report Setup table (F07500) and processing time, you might select only the states in which your employees live and work.

The GeoCoder database stores tax rates and other pertinent jurisdictional tax data for all U.S. and Canadian tax authorities, which include over 66,000 locations. Tax jurisdictions are identified in Quantum for Payroll Tax by a GeoCode. All states and counties are on file, as well as all cities with populations over 250. If a city has a population under 250 and levies a tax, that city is also included in the database. Vertex, Inc. compiles the data that makes up the GeoCode, using state, city, zip code, and county, and maintains the tax rates that are associated with each.

To use GeoCoder, you must use Quantum for Payroll Taxes to calculate payroll tax information. Additionally, you must activate the Quantum system and set up the appropriate database connections. To activate the Quantum system, you can use the Common Settings for HR Employee Self Service Program (P05004) to activate system control data item HRGEO. This data item activates the GeoCoder in all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Human Capital Management applications. If HRGEO is not already present in the program, you must add it.

When you use GeoCoder to generate tax area codes, the system saves the information in tables that are used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Payroll system. A version of GeoCoder is also available that you can use to generate tax area codes that are used by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems and Quantum for Sales and Tax Use.