Locating Employees in the Organization Chart

You can locate the employee whose information you want to view in several ways:

  • If you know the employee's complete alpha name, enter the name in the Employee Name field, and then click Apply.

  • If you do not know all of the employee's alpha name:

    1. Click the Search icon next to the Employee Name field to display the Employee Search & Select form.

    2. Enter the partial alpha name in the Employee Name field wrapped in % sign, for example, "%Nguyen%", to search for "Nguyen, Daniel". Alternately, you can search by employee ID, supervisor name, supervisor ID, or by a combination of these fields to narrow down your search.

    3. Click Search.

      The system searches for the employee's alpha name in the Address Book - Who's Who (F0101) and the Employee Master (F060116) tables.

    4. Select the employee record from the list.

      When you select a record, the program returns you to the Employee Organization Chart form and populates the Employee Name field with the employee's alpha name. Click the Apply button to display the employee's details in the left pane as well as empoyee's information in the organization chart.