Migrating Mail Merge Templates

Access the Work With Web Mail Merge Migration form.

To migrate an existing mail merge template:

  1. Select one or more letter records on the Work With Web Mail Merge Migration form and then click Select.

    This process completes output queue information from the processing options, updates the data structure, and generates database records in the F980014W and 980014T tables.

  2. Click Close the Work With Web Mail Merge Migration form.

  3. Select the updated record on the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates form and then select Validate from the Row menu.

    The validation option displays any functions that still need to be performed. The Document File Exists option is normally not checked and needs to be completed.

  4. Click Close on the Template Validation form.

  5. Select a template record on the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates and then click Select.

  6. Select Gen Doc File from the Form menu on the Web Mail Merge Template Details form.

    This action creates a new document file and automatically displays the View Template Document form.

  7. Review the information and then click Cancel on the View Template Document form.

  8. Click the Edit Template Document button on the Web Mail Merge Template Details form.

    This action loads the new letter into Microsoft Word.

    Note: This function requires a security setting in your internet browser that allows Active X controls.
  9. Edit the Word file as appropriate and then save the file as an HTML file.

    If your version of Microsoft® Word includes an option to save the file as Filtered HTML or Compact HTML, use this option. The resulting file is much smaller.

    Note: Do not change the folder location when you save the HTML file.