

Enter a code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code must already exist in the Company Constants table (F0010), and it must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.

Note: You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic accounting instructions. You cannot use company 00000 for transaction entries.
Hrs/Day (hours per day)

Enter a value that indicates the number of hours in a standard working day. This information may be used for automatic overtime computations and other scheduling purposes.

Days/Wk (days per week)

Enter the number of days in the work week. This number may be used (among other information) in the computation of automatic overtime.

Wks/Yr (weeks per year)

Enter the number of work weeks in the year.

The number of bi-weekly, semi-monthly, and monthly periods in the year is assumed to be 26, 24, and 12, respectively.

Hrs/Yr (hours per year)

Enter the number of work hours in the year. When you do not set the payroll company constants to use the Pay Grade Step table as the pay-rate source, the system uses this number to compute the hourly rate when you supply the annual salary (or to compute the annual salary when you supply the hourly rate).

When you set the constants to use the Pay Grade Step table as the pay rate source, the system uses this sequence to search for the standard number of hours that it uses to calculate the salary or hourly rate per pay period:

  1. Employee entry forms.

  2. Pay Grade Step table (hours per day multiplied by days per year).

  3. Payroll company constants for the employee's company.

  4. Payroll company constants for the default company (company 00000).

  5. Data dictionary.

  6. System default value of 2080 standard hours per year.

Country Code

Enter a code from user-defined code (UDC) table 00/CN to indicate the country in which the company resides.

SUI / SDI / CPP / QPP Calculation Flag(State Unemployment Insurance / State Disability Insurance / Canadian Pension Plan / Quebec Pension Plan calculation flag)

Enter a value that determines how the system adjusts State Unemployment Insurance, State Disability Insurance, the Canadian Pension Plan, or the Quebec Pension Plan.

Vertex can self-adjust the amount of tax calculated. Values are:

0: Self-adjust. This method always increases the tax to what it should be.

The formula used is: Current period tax = (YTD gross + current gross) × SUI, SDI, CPP, or QPP rate − YTD SUI, SDI, CPP, or QPP tax.

1: Do not self-adjust. The tax is calculated only on the current period wages.

2: Self-adjust when maximum base is reached.

If employees work in multiple states, set this value to 1 (do not self-adjust).

125 Cash Option

Enter 1 if you have a cash option for your 125 Plan. This value is used for taxation purposes for SUI and SDI. Certain states allow a 125 exemption amount if a cash option is allowed.

Fiscal Year (Beginning Month)

Enter the number of the month in which the payroll fiscal year begins.

Annual Leave Hours

Enter the standard number of hours generated as annual leave during automatic wage processing.

Prevailing Wage Summarization Level

Enter a value that determines whether the prevailing wage calculation creates an individual wage adjustment for each processed timecard or if a single adjustment record is created for all timecards in each job for each employee. Initially, the system retrieves the summarization level from the timecard's work company record in Company Options. If the summarization level is not defined at this level, the prevailing wage calculation uses the summarization level defined at the default company (00000) level. If the summarization level is still not defined for company 00000, then the system creates detail wage adjustments by default.

0: Create detail wage adjustments.

1: Create summarized wage adjustments for each job.