
These processing options specify whether the system updates the Employee Master Information table (F060116), the type of employee identification number that the system is using, and whether the system compares existing information to new information that might exist in an update operation.

1. Update Tax Area in Employee Master (Required)

Specify the processing mode for the GeoCoder Employee Batch Processing program (R070103). You can run this program in proof mode and print a report only, or you can run this program in final mode and produce a report and update the tax areas in the Employee Master Information table. Values are:

Blank: Proof Mode - Print report only.

1: Final Mode - Print report and update table.

2. Employee Type (Required)

Specify which number is used as the employee's identification number. Values are:

Blank or A: Address Number (Default.)

S: Social Security Number.

O: Other Third-Party Number.

3. Validate Tax Area (Required)

Specify which tax areas the geocoder automatically assigns, and which fields the program updates in the Employee Master table when the program is run in final mode. You can assign geocodes to the employee's work and resident tax areas, and update both fields in the Employee Master Information table, or you can assign a geocode to the resident tax area only, and update only the resident tax area in the Employee Master Information table. Values are:

Blank: Update resident and work tax areas.

1: Update resident tax area only.