Setting Up Cross-Reference Tables for Supplemental Data

Access the Supplemental Data X-Reference form.

Hire and Terminate

Select an option that specifies the type of cross-reference table to be used for transferring profile data between the employee and applicant supplemental databases. Values are:

Hire: When you hire an applicant, transfer applicant profile data to the employee supplemental database.

Terminate: When you terminate an employee, transfer employee profile data to the applicant supplemental database.

Source DataType

Enter a code that you assign to supplemental data so that you can group data by categories. Values include:

A: Approval steps

B: Requisition requirements

C: Interview process

N: Requisition notes


Enter a code that defines whether supplemental data should be deleted from the applicant database when it is moved to the employee database. Values are:

Y: Yes, move the applicant supplemental data to the employee database and delete the data from the applicant database.

N or Blank: No, do not delete the supplemental data from the applicant database. Instead, make a copy of the supplemental data and move the copy to the employee database.

Target Data Type

Enter a code you define and use to categorize data within a specific database. The code is often an abbreviation for the data it represents. For example, CC could represent company cars, and EC could represent emergency contacts.

You define these codes using the Define Types of Data screen.