Setting Up Group Plan DBAs

Access the Revise Single Group Plan DBA Setup form or the Revision Multiple Group Plan DBA Setup form.

Note: When two field names are listed for a field, the first name is the name of the field on the Revise Single Group Plan DBA Setup form. The second name is the name of the field on the Revision Multiple Group Plan DBA Setup form. If only one field name is listed, the same name is used on both forms.

You can use the Group Plan DBA Setup program (P059101) to enter group limit amounts for only those DBAs that are associated with a group limit code.


Enter a code that defines the type of pay, deduction, benefit, or accrual.

Pay types are numbered from 1 to 999. Deductions and benefits are numbered from 1000 to 9999.

Job Type

Enter a user-defined code that specifies a particular job type. You associate pay and benefit information with a job type when you define jobs on Job Entry and Evaluation (P08001). When you add a new employee to the database using the Employee Entry forms, the system uses pay and benefit information that you associate with a job type as default information.

Source of Calc. or S C (source of calculation)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC 07/DB that specifies the basis of a deduction, benefit, or accrual. When the system calculates the gross amount for disposable net wages, it does not use the basis of calculation. The gross amount includes all earnings that have a positive effect on the gross and net payment. For wage attachments, values are:

1 through 8: Garnishment, tax levy, wage assignment (child support and maintenance).

R: Loan, interest.

0: Fees.

Method of Calc. or M C (method of calculation)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC 07/DM that specifies the method that the system uses to perform certain calculations. For example, the system uses a method of calculation to calculate DBAs and workers' compensation insurance.

A/P Voucher (Y,N)[A/P voucher (yes/no)] or Gen Vch (generate voucher)

Enter a code used to determine whether the system should generate a voucher for the DBA, tax, or wage attachment during the final update phase of the payroll processing cycle. Valid codes are:

N: No.

Y: Yes.


Enter the address book number for the supplier who receives the final payment.

In benefits administration, this is the address book number of the company that issues the plan and receives premium payments for it.

For wage attachments, payee is the address book number of the agency, company, individual, or court that is to receive the payment of the check.

Rollover Table

Enter the code that identifies the table that the system uses to calculate rollover criteria and limits. If the rollover table for this group of employees is the same as the rollover table that is attached to the selected DBA, leave this field blank. However, if the rollover criteria and limits for this group of employees is different than the criteria and limits that are included in the rollover table that is attached to the DBA, enter a different table here.

For example, an organization might allows all employees, except those in Union 1000, to roll over 80 hours of vacation time each year. The organization allows employees in Union 1000 to roll over 60 hours per year. In this situation, you can create a rollover table that specifies a rollover limit of 80 and attach it to the vacation accrual DBA. You can then create an additional rollover table that specifies a rollover limit of 60 and enter that table code in this field for Union 1000.

ITD Limit (inception to date limit)

Enter the maximum amount of dollars or hours that an accrual can have at any one time. For example, your company might have a vacation policy that allows an employee to rollover 40 hours each year, but the accrued balance cannot exceed a total of 300 hours at any one time. The system calculates both the payroll cycle and year-end rollover up to the limit, taking into account the amounts that have been used.

Note: If the system rolls over the accrual at the end of a standard year, it applies the limit against payroll month history. If it rolls the accrual over at the end of a fiscal or anniversary year, it applies the limit against fiscal and anniversary history.
Rate Control

Enter a value that defines the effective date of the PDBA. The system uses this field to control the rate that it uses to calculate a DBA when multiple rates are valid within the pay cycle. During payroll and interim processes, this value determines whether the system uses the ending rate, beginning rate, or prorates all rates it finds within a pay cycle period. Values are:

1: Use the rate that is valid at the end of the pay period.

2: Use the rate that is valid at the beginning of the pay period.

3: Prorate the DBA calculation using all rates.

Note: When you set Rate Control value to 3, (prorate the DBA calculation) two results are possible, based on the type of DBA. DBAs that include flat calculations (dollars or accrued hours) use the number of days in the pay period in which the instruction is valid, divided by the total number of days in the pay period, to determine a proration factor. The system then multiplies the flat amount by the proration factor to produce the final DBA calculation. The system performs this calculation for each valid DBA instruction during a pay cycle period. All other calculations use this definition of proration: The DBA uses only items as a basis of calculation which include an effective date that falls within the effective date of the instruction or within the effective dates of the calculation range.
DBA Limit Pay Period

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a pay period for a deduction, benefit, or accrual. This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

DBA Limit Monthly

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a month for a deduction or a benefit. This amount is expressed in dollars. This amount refers to the gross pay/amount field.

DBA Limit Quarterly

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a calendar quarter for a deduction, benefit, or accrual. This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

DBA Limit $ Annual 1

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a year for a deduction, benefit, or accrual. This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

DBA Limit $ Annual 2

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a year for a deduction, benefit, or accrual. This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

DBA Limit % Period

Enter the maximum percentage of pay that the calculated deduction or benefit amount cannot exceed. This percentage works in conjunction with the dollar limits of the deduction or benefit, so whichever limit is reached first stops the calculation. For accrual transactions, this field represents an hour's limit.

Group Pay Period Limit or Group Limit Pay Period

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a pay period for DBAs grouped together by Group Limit Code (DGRP).

This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

Group Monthly Limit or Group Limit Monthly

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a month for DBAs grouped together by Group Limit Code (DGRP).

This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

Group Quarterly Limit or Group Limit Quarterly

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a calendar quarter for DBAs grouped together by Group Limit Code (DGRP).

This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

Group Annual Limit or Group Limit Annual

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a year for DBAs grouped together by Group Limit Code (DGRP).

This amount is expressed in dollars for deductions and benefits. For accruals, this amount is expressed in hours.

Group Annual Limit 2 or Group Limit Annual 2

Enter the maximum amount that can be withheld or accrued in a year for DBAs grouped together by Group Limit Code (DGRP).

Group Limit Max Percent

Enter the maximum percentage of pay that the calculated DBAs grouped together by Group Limit Code (DGRP) may not exceed. This percentage works in conjunction with the dollar limits of the deduction or benefit, so whichever limit is reached first stops the calculation.

For accrual transactions, this field represents an hour's limit.