Setting Up Position Control Options

Access the HRM Foundation Position Control Options form.

Position Id Required

Enter a code that determines whether all employees are required to have a position ID. Codes are:

1: Required.

2: Optional. The Position ID field appears on the HR Employee Entry form.

3: Not required, and the Position ID field does not appear on the HR Employee Entry form.

If you leave this field blank, the system assumes that the Position ID is optional (code 2).

When you set this option to position ID required, the job ID associated with a position in the Position Master table becomes the default job for the employee.

Pay Rate Source

Enter a code that specifies the default source for employee pay rates. When you add or change employee information, the system uses this code to locate a pay rate for an employee if you leave the salary and hourly rate fields blank. Values are:

1: Pay rate table

2: Pay grade step table

3: None

To calculate a salary for the employee, the system multiplies the employee's standard hours per year by the hourly rate from the table.

Pay Grade Step Progression Rate Source

Enter a code that specifies the default pay grade step that the system uses to locate a pay rate for employees who have a salary forecast change date. The system uses this rate to calculate annual position budget amounts that are based on employee records. Values are:

1: Same Grade Step

2: Next Grade Step

Salary Default Source

Enter a code that specifies the salary or rate default source for creating new positions or defining vacancies when you run the Create Next Year's Position program (R081820). Values are:

Blank: None

1: Pay Grade Minimum

2: Pay Grade Midpoint

3: Pay Grade Maximum

4: Pay Grade Step Amount

When the pay grade step is the source, the calculated hours/year (hours per day times days per year) from the pay grade step table are used as the default standard hours per year.

If this pay grade data does not exist, the system uses this hierarchy to determine the standard hours per year basis:

  1. Home Company Standard Hours per Year.

  2. Default Company Standard Hours per Year.

  3. Data Dictionary.

  4. 2080.

Rate Change in Projections

Enter a constant that determines whether future rate changes, based on an employee's salary forecast change date, will be taken into account in the calculation of position projected year end values. Values are:

Y: Yes

N: No

Position Budget Edit - Salary

Enter a value that specifies whether you want the system to use position budget editing and, if so, whether the system displays a warning or error message when you enter or change a salary that is over the budgeted salary for the position. The system verifies the Salary, Hourly Rate, and Position fields on P0801CMP against the Position Master Table (F08101). Values are:

Blank: No edit

1: Warning message if over budget, but allowed to continue.

2: Hard error if over budget, processing stops, no table updates.

Position Budget Edit - FTE (position budget edit - full-time equivalent

Enter a value that specifies whether you want the system to use position budget editing for full-time equivalents (FTE) and, if so, whether the system displays a warning or error message when a change to the FTE field is not within the budgeted FTEs for the position. Values are:

Blank: No edit

1: Warning message if over budget, but allowed to continue.

2: Hard error if over budget, processing stops, no table updates.

Position Budget Edit - Hours

Enter a value that specifies whether you want the system to use position budget editing for work hours and, if so, whether the system displays a warning or error message when the employee's work hours are not within the budgeted effective hours for the position. Values are:

Blank: No edit

1: Warning message if over budget, but allowed to continue.

2: Hard error if over budget, processing stops, no table updates.

Position Budget Edit - Headcount

Enter a value that specifies whether you want the system to use position budget editing for headcount and, if so, whether the system displays a warning or error message when you enter or change headcount that is not within the budgeted effective headcount for the position. Values are:

Blank: No edit

1: Warning message if over budget, but allowed to continue.

2: Hard error if over budget, processing stops, no table updates.