Understanding Group Limits Setup for DBAs

For complex DBA setup such as for retirement plan benefits, you can set up group limits that apply to DBA codes within a single group. Use the Group Limits Revisions program (P059130) to define group limit amounts for a group limit code. The system stores the group limit amounts in the Group Limits table (F069130).

The system uses the Convert Group Limits to F069130, F069140, F069150, and F069160 program (R059130) to convert group limits that currently exist in the Payroll Transactions Constants table (F069116) to the existing Group Limits table (F069130).

Note: You must run the Convert Group Limits to F069130, F069140, F069150, and F069160 program (R059130) in proof mode first, and review the warning messages before you run it in final mode.Once you run the R059130 program in final mode, you cannot recover the data that is updated in the respective tables.

The R059130 program converts existing group limit amounts:

  • From the Employee Pay Instructions table (F06106) to the Employee DBA Group Limit Overrides table (F069140)

  • From the Group Plan Instructions table (F069106) to the Group Limits table (F069150)

  • From the DBA Instruction Overrides table (F0729) to the Group Limits table (F069160)