Understanding Group Plan DBA Setup

You set up group plan DBA to apply deductions, benefits, and accruals to group of employees. You can also copy a single and multiple DBA plan and assign each DBA plan to single employee. In addition to assigning DBAs to a group of employees and single employee, you can override information about the DBAs for a group of employees at group level, and also for single employee.

For example, an organization might allow all employees except for those in Union 1000 to carry over 80 hours of leave time each year. Employees in Union 1000 can carry over 60 hours of leave per year. In this situation, you can set up a leave accrual that allows 80 hours of rollover time. You can assign that same DBA to employees in Union 1000 using group plan DBA setup. You then attach to the group plan DBA setup a rollover table that allows 60 hours of rollover time.

You identify each group plan by DBA code and union code. You can further define group plans with additional qualifying criteria, such as:



Business unit

The plan applies only for work performed at a particular business unit or job location.

Job type

The plan applies only to employees working in a certain job type.

Job step

The plan applies only to employees in a certain job step within a job type.

Date range

The plan applies if the pay period dates fall within the date range that you define. For example, you could use this criterion to establish plans with built-in rate increases that you base on effective dates.