Understanding Setting Up Calculation Tables

After you have reviewed the available table methods and determined which table method to use, you set up calculation table information to define the parameters that the system will use to calculate the amount or rate of the DBA. When you create calculation tables for DBA calculations, you define valid ranges and amounts that are a function of certain table method codes.

The description of the table method code that you select outlines what type of information can be entered in the calculation table and how the system will use the information to calculate the amount or rate of the DBA.

You use the Retirement Plan Calculation Table Revisions program (P059023) to calculate the employer-matching contribution for retirement plan. This Retirement Plan Calculation Table Revisions program enables you to set up tiered calculation tables, where each level up to the employee contribution amount is used to calculate the employer matching contribution.

For the retirement plan calculation, use the table code with the method of calculation M. Select the table methods R1, R2, R3, or R4 to calculate the retirement plan.