Understanding Split Time

In addition to labor distribution instructions, we offer a Split Time feature that automatically allocates time entry charges to various accounts during time entry. Split Time is activated in the processing options for the Time Entry MBF Processing Options program (P050002A). When the Split Time feature is activated, it sets up a hierarchy for the system to search to find the appropriate account number as follows:

  • The system first searches for labor distribution instructions at the employee level. If it finds them, it retrieves the percentage or number of hours set up, as well as the account number assigned to each amount.

    If the labor distribution instructions are using the hours method instead of the percentage method, the system prorates the hours to determine the amount of the split. The system applies these amounts to all pay types entered on the Time Entry Revisions form regardless of the pay type set up in the labor distribution instructions.

  • If no labor distribution instructions are set up, the system searches the Position Control specifications and selects the allocation, if any.

  • If no labor distribution instructions are set up and no account allocations are defined in the Employee Master program (P0801) specifications, the system proceeds to the automatic accounting instructions and uses the account information defined there.

The Split Time feature was designed for clients who want to avoid setting up numerous automatic accounting instructions. It is intended for those employees who typically charge their time to more than one area. All pay types are split according to the instructions that the system finds. Split Time and labor distribution instructions were not designed to work together. When Split Time is activated, the system includes labor distributions in the hierarchy when searching for the account numbers used to allocate labor charges. When Split Time is not activated, the labor distribution instructions must be manually copied during time entry for non-autopay employees.

When Split Time is activated and the employee also has labor distribution instructions, every pay type entered on the timecard is split according to the labor distribution instructions that are set up for the employee. Therefore, if pay type 1 is set up to be split between two accounts on the labor distribution instructions, then the time is split between the accounts selected on labor distribution instructions.