Understanding Tax Area Assignment Using Batch Processes

You can assign tax area information for employees and business units using batch versions of GeoCoder programs. When you assign tax areas using the batch process, you do not have to enter tax area information at the time that you enter employee or business unit records into the system. After you enter business unit records into the system, you can run the Cost Center Tax Area Processing program (R079052) to assign tax areas to each business unit. Similarly, after you enter employee records into the system, you can run the GeoCoder Employee Batch Processing program (R070103) to assign work and residence tax areas to the employee.

This program automatically enters values for work and resident tax areas for each employee in the system. Or, depending on how you set the processing options, the program enters values for only the resident tax area. The GeoCoder Employee Batch Processing program enters values for the resident tax area using the employee address information, and enters values for the work tax area with the GeoCode from the Business Unit Constants for the employee home business unit. Because the program uses tax area information from the business unit to update the employee work tax area, you should update business unit tax area information before updating employee tax area information.

If multiple GeoCodes exist that are valid for an employee or business unit tax area, the system produces an exception report that lists all of the valid GeoCodes for the specified employee or business unit. You then choose the correct GeoCode and manually enter it in the employee or business unit record.