Understanding the Modification of Pre-Tax Deduction Overrides

After the GeoCoder populates the Pretax Deduction Override table (F0701735), you run the GeoCoder Report Setup program (P07500) and select the geographic areas and states that you want to update.

Use the Pretax Deduction Overrides program (P0701735) to review the taxable values pre-defined for each record. This program indicates whether a deduction in a specific tax area is considered taxable (non-deductible) or non-taxable (deductible). You can update the taxable values for any of the pretax deductions that apply. Once you make all the necessary changes, you can then process pre-payroll or interim payments for these changes to take effect.

For example, if you want to change the taxable value of the PA State Withholding Tax, you can modify the settings so the system processes it as taxable when the pre-defined value shows that it is not.