Understanding the Relationship Between Quick Hire and New Hire Employee Setup

The Employee Quick Hire program (P060116Q) integrates with the Employee Setup Workbench program (P08710) by automatically generating the setup record and initiating a workflow process. For the two programs to integrate, you must set the processing options appropriately on Employee Quick Hire. These steps are performed when you integrate the Employee Quick Hire program with the Employee Setup Workbench program to initiate the new hire setup workflow process:

  1. When an employee record is added to the Employee Master Information table (F060116) through Employee Quick Hire, the system automatically creates the new Hire Employee setup record.

  2. The system automatically sends an E-mail message to the employee's supervisor, requesting the supervisor to identify the setup tasks necessary for the employee.

    The system determines which supervisor to E-mail based on the entry in the Supervisor field in the Employee Quick Hire program. If the new hire option is activated the supervisor field is required.

  3. Using Manager Self-Service, the new employee's manager uses the Employee Setup Workbench program to enter the setup tasks that are necessary for the employee.

    The setup tasks can also be supplied automatically based on the employee's job type. In Quick Hire, job type is required when the new hire option is activated.

  4. When the tasks are identified for the new employee and the employee setup record is approved, the system initiates the new hire setup workflow process, which send an E-mail message to the individuals in your organization who are responsible for completing the necessary tasks.

    For example, if the manager indicates that the new employee needs a network signon, security badge, and building key, the workflow process sends E-mail to the IT Manager, Security Manager, and Facilities Manager, respectively.

You can customize the new hire setup Workflow process to meet the needs of your organization. Processing options for the Employee Setup Workbench program enable you to easily customize the process. For example, your organization might choose to require approval at the process level or at the task level. Or, you might choose to escalate certain tasks if the designated individuals do not complete the tasks in an appropriate time frame.