Understanding Web Mail Merge Template Management

You can use the Work With Web Mail Merge Templates program to add, update, and delete mail merge templates. This form includes row menu options that you can use with existing templates:

  • View Doc File

    Displays the template document in a read-only form.

  • Validate

    Verifies whether the template is setup correctly. If errors exist, the system displays a form that lists the errors. These validations are performed:

    • The output queue record exists in the F98MOQUE table.

    • The output folder defined in the F98MOQUE record exists.

    • The HTML template document exists.

    • The data structure exists.

    • Valid merge field delimiters been entered.

    • Merge fields exist in the template document that do not exist in the data structure. Fields can exist in the data structure that do not exist in the template document without interference.

  • Test

    Generates a letter for the selected template using default merge data. This process replaces the merge fields in the template document with the name of the merge field. For example, «szNameMailing» is replaced with szNameMailing. The generated document displays in a read-only form. When exiting the display form, the system deletes the merged document.

  • Update Template

    Updates the selected template and attempts to correct problems that might exist. A data structure is generated if one does not exist. If a data structure exists, the system updates the data items. This function checks for the existence of the F980014T record and updates the field delimiters if necessary. The Output Queue value is validated and the existence of the output queue folder is verified.

  • Attachments

    Allow you to import and export media object templates. Several templates such as (HIPAA, COBRA, W4FORM are predefined in the software. These templates have the default HTML source code for the template document attached as a media object. This source code can be exported to the output folder, replacing the existing template document. You can also import the source of an existing template document into the media object.

This form also includes these form menu options:

  • Data Structures

    Calls the Work With Web Mail Merge Data Structures form so you can make changes to existing data structures.

  • MO Queue

    Calls the Work With Media Object Queues so you can add or update a mail merge output queue.

  • Generate DS

    Calls the Generate Data Structure so you can generate a web mail merge data structure from an existing data structure or from the fields in a template document.

  • Migration

    Calls the Work With Web Mail Merge Migration form so you can convert a template from the old Microsoft Word format to the new web mail merge format. This function also generates the associated data structure and creates a generic template document.