Update Tax Area Table Report

Periodically, tax area information changes. For employee payroll taxes to calculate correctly, you must verify that the correct tax area information for each state or province in which your organization conducts business is set up correctly in your system.

Vertex, Inc. periodically provides updates to ensure the accuracy of your organization's payroll calculations. You can automatically update the tax area information that is stored in the F069016 table with the tax information that is included in the updates that you receive from Vertex, Inc.

To update tax information automatically, you must first use the GeoCoder Report Setup program (P07500) to specify each state or province for which you want to update tax information. If your organization is large, you might select all states and provinces to ensure that your information is complete. After you specify the states and provinces that you want to update, you need to run the Update Tax Area Table program (R07500). You should run this program each time you receive an update from Vertex, Inc.

When you run the Update Tax Area Table program, you normally use the default program version. The default program version is set up to automatically update the Payroll Tax Area Profile table using the default settings. The report that the Update Tax Area Table program creates lists the state names that you specified, the tax area code and the number of new geocodes that the system generated for each state. You can set a processing option to specify to update existing records with county information that is linked to the geocodes or to save county information only for new records.