Completing Traditional Performance Appraisals

Access the Traditional Performance Appraisal Revision form.

To complete traditional performance appraisals:

  1. On the Traditional Performance Appraisal Revision form, manually complete a performance appraisal template.

    Alternatively, if you set up another media object or URL link to an interactive appraisal form, complete the appropriate form.

  2. To enter the overall performance rating, complete the Performance Appraisal Level field.

  3. To attach a performance diary entry that might support the rating decision, select the Appraisal Diary Entries link at the bottom of the form.

  4. On the Work With Diary Entries For A Performance Appraisal form, click Add.

  5. On the Daily Diary Search form, select a diary record, and then click Select.

  6. To remove an attached diary record, select a diary record on the Work With Diary Entries For A Performance Appraisal form and then click Remove.

    Note: This action removes the diary record from the performance appraisal only. It does not delete the diary entry from the system.
  7. When you are finished working with diary entries, click Close.

  8. On the Traditional Performance Appraisal Revision form, click the link Submit to Next Level Manager.

  9. On the Submit Performance Appraisal form, click Yes.

    The system automatically routes the appraisal and diary entries to the next level manager in the approval hierarchy.

Direct/Indirect Indicator

Enter a code that specifies whether to display only employees who report directly, or to display direct and indirect employees.

The Appraisals to Complete option includes employees who report to you directly or indirectly. The Appraisals For Current Indirect Reports option includes only employees who report indirectly to you.

Appraisals For Current Indirect Reports

Enter a code that specifies whether to display only employees who report directly, or to display direct and indirect employees.

Performance Appraisal Level

Enter a code that specifies the level of proficiency at which a supervisor rates a person or asset for a particular competency type and competency code.