
EEO Company (Equal Employment Opportunity Company)

Enter a code assigned by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that identifies a specific organization, fund, entity, and so on. The code is used for government reports, such as EEO-1. Do not include dashes with keyed value. Appropriate dashes will be added when reports are printed.

Address Number (Establishment Address Book Number)

Enter the address book number of the establishment.


Enter a code that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code must already exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet.


Enter the year for which you are reporting.

EEO Unit (Equal Employment Opportunity Unit)

Enter a code assigned by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that identifies a specific business unit, location, establishment, and so on.

The code is used for government reports, such as EEO-1. Do not include dashes with keyed value. Appropriate dashes will be added when reports are printed.

Industry Classification

Enter a code used to classify goods and services. This code can be in the format specified by any one of these classification systems:

  • Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) or North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).

    Numerical systems that the United States uses to classify goods and services. A code in the SIC format is four digits. A code in the NAICS format is six digits.

  • Harmonized System (HS).

    The international method of classifying goods. More than fifty countries use this system. A code in the HS format can be up to 10 digits.

  • Standard Industrial Trade Classification (SITC).

    A numerical code system developed by the United Nations to classify goods used in international trade. International organizations use this system. A code in the SITC format can be up to six digits.

(Release 9.2 Update) EEO Job Category

Enter a user defined code (06/J) that specifies classifications established by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Canadian Employment Equity Occupational Group (EEOG) for use in reporting levels of minority employment. Do not change any of the codes provided by J.D. Edwards. You can add codes if needed.

(Release 9.2 Update) EEO Pay Band

Enter a user defined EEO-1 Pay Bands code (UDC 05U/PB) that defines the range (band) of compensation given for certain roles.

The value of each pay band is defined starting with an alphabet, followed by a two digit reporting year, such as "A18", "B18", "C18", etc. up through the total number of pay bands. The starting and ending compensation range for each pay band is defined in the Description 01 and Description 02 fields in the User Defined Codes program (P0004A).

EEO White Males (Equal Employment Opportunity White Males)

Enter an amount that represents the number of white males employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO White Females (Equal Employment Opportunity White Females)

Enter an amount that represents the number of white females employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO African American Males (Equal Employment Opportunity African American Males)

Enter an amount that represents the number of African American males employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO African American Females (Equal Employment Opportunity African American Females)

Enter an amount that represents the number of African American females employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Hispanic Males (Equal Employment Opportunity Hispanic Males)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Hispanic males employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Hispanic Females (Equal Employment Opportunity Hispanic Females)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Hispanic females employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Asian Males (Equal Employment Opportunity Asian Males)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Asian males employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Asian Females (Equal Employment Opportunity Asian Females)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Asian females employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Native American Males (Equal Employment Opportunity Native American Males)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Native American males employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Native American Females (Equal Employment Opportunity Native American Females)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Native American females employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Pacific Islander Males (Equal Employment Opportunity Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Males)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Hawaiian/Pacific Islander males employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Pacific Islander Females (Equal Employment Opportunity Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Females)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Hawaiian/Pacific Islander females employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Two or More Races Males (Equal Employment Opportunity Two or More Races Males)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Two or More Races males employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.

EEO Two or More Races Females (Equal Employment Opportunity Two or More Races Females)

Enter an amount that represents the number of Two or More Races females employed by a business unit, establishment, and so forth during a date range. Use the number for government reports, such as EEO-1.