Creating Applicant Letters

Access the Print Applicant Letters form.

To create an applicant letter:

  1. On the Print Applicant Letters form, to create multiple letters, click Find to display all applicants, and then select multiple applicant records from the detail area.

  2. To create a single letter, complete one or more of these fields, click Find, and then select the applicant record:

    • Applicant Name

    • Applicant Number

    • Applicant Status

  3. If you want to print a date other than the current system date on the letter, complete the Mailing Date field:

    If the letter has been set up to use this value, this date prints on the letter.

  4. Complete the Applicant Letter Document field to select the desired letter template:

  5. Select Generate Letter from the Row menu.

    The system displays a copy of the letter, including the merged information. You can modify the letter if necessary.

  6. On the Mail Merge Letter Display form, select Print from the Form menu.

Applicant Name

Enter the text that names or describes an address. This 40 character alphabetic field appears on a number of forms and reports. You can enter dashes, commas, and other special characters, but the system cannot search on them when you use this field to search for a name.

Applicant Status

Enter a code that defines a step in the hiring process that the applicant has completed, such as initial contact, first interview, and so on. This is a defined code (08/AS).

When you enter or change the status of an applicant with the Applicant Entry program (P08401), the system adds a record to the supplemental data type for applicant status. To review the history of an applicant status, you can view the information that has been added to this supplemental data type.

Mailing Date

Enter the date that prints on the letter.

Applicant Letter Document

Enter a code that identifies which Applicant Letter document will be used from the Mail Merge (P980014) application.