Defining Job Competencies and Descriptions

Access the Work With Job Competencies form.

To define job competencies and descriptions:

  1. Click Find to review any existing job competencies.

  2. Move the cursor to the first blank record in the detail area and then complete these fields:

    • Job Competency Code

    • Description

    • Include in Gap and Performance Appraisal

  3. Complete any of these fields that apply to the organization:

    • Job Competency Category Code 001

    • Job Competency Category Code 002

    • Job Competency Category Code 003

    • Job Competency Category Code 004

    • Job Competency Category Code 005

    • Job Competency Category Code 006

    • Job Competency Category Code 007

    • Job Competency Category Code 008

    • Job Competency Category Code 009

    • Job Competency Category Code 010

  4. To indicate the audience for this job competency description, select an option that corresponds to a type of view, such as one of these:

    • Human Resource View

    • Manager Coaching View

    • Employee View

      You define these views in the processing options for the Job Competencies in an Organization program (P08006). You can create a maximum of six different views.

  5. Select Edit Description from the Row menu.

  6. On the Job Competency Description Maintenance form, enter a text description in the media attachment area at the bottom of the form.

  7. To attach other types of electronic attachments, such as pictures and links to internet pages, right click in the exit bar to the left of the media object, select New from the menu, and then select the type of object that you want to attach.

  8. When you have finished entering attachments, click OK.

  9. To enter another job competency and description, repeat steps 1 through 8.

    Repeat these steps until you have entered a description for each of the audiences.

Include in Gap/Performance Appraisal

Enter an option that specifies whether a competency is included in a gap analysis evaluation. A gap analysis measures how the competencies of an employee compare with the competencies required by a particular job. Values are:

1: Include the job competency code in the gap analysis evaluation.

0: Do not include the job competency code in the gap analysis evaluation.

Job Competency Category Code 001

Use these defined codes (codes 01 through 10) to define categories and groupings of skills or knowledge that are related to the job competency and that suit the company needs. A limited sample of groups for which you might want to define job competency category codes could include:

  • Technical (discipline example)

  • Marketing (departmental example)

  • Western Europe (regional example)

  • Medical (industry example)

For example, if you assign Technical to Category Code 001, then Technical will replace Category 01 as the field name. After assigning a category name, you may then set up a list of values for the category. Samples of values for Technical might include:

  • Hardware

  • Software

  • C programming (programming language example)

  • Unix (operating system example)

Job competency category codes were not designed to track levels of proficiency, skill, or expertise demonstrated or required for a competency.

Those levels required for a competency are attributes of Competency Rules.