Defining Job Evaluation Factors

Access the Evaluation Factors Table Review form.

Job Evaluation Method

Enter a user-defined code (08/EM) that specifies the method or grouping that you use to evaluate the jobs within the organization.

Suggested values are:

Blank: Simple subjective point system

E: Evalucomp method

F: Factor comparison method

P: Point factor method

H: Hay method

Job Evaluation Type

Enter a numeric code that determines whether job information is recorded using degrees or points. Valid codes are:

1: Simple, subjective assignment of job points by each of the 10 defined evaluation factors.

2: Detailed specifications of degree of difficulty or value to each of 10 evaluation factors.

Factor Number

Enter a sequential number that identifies each job evaluation factor. Job evaluation factors should meet these criteria:

  • Each factor must distinguish differences between jobs.

  • Each factor must be common to most of the jobs being rated. A factor should exist in greater to lesser amounts so it is easier to measure factors within a job.

  • Each factor should be assigned the maximum number of points in each of the 10 levels of degree.

  • No factor should overlap any other factor.

  • The factors chosen must be accepted by employees and managers.

  • The number of factors used should be the minimum needed to insure a balance between completeness and simplicity in rating.

  • The factor definitions should clearly and objectively define what is being rated so that all raters interpret the factor in the same way.

Evaluation Points

Enter the number of points calculated for a specific job using any job evaluation method. A job is defined as the combination of job type and job step.

You can calculate the points manually and enter them at the Job Master Information level, or you can assign points to each individual factor that has been defined within the evaluation method.

Points 1

Enter the maximum evaluation points allowable within this degree for this factor.