Entering Country-Specific Information for an Applicant

Access the Applicant Information - National Data - Revisions form.

EEO Job Cat (Equal Employment Opportunity job category)

Enter a user-defined code (07/J) that specifies classifications established by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Canadian Employment Equity Occupational Group (EEOG) for use in reporting levels of minority employment. Do not change any of the codes provided by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. You can add codes if needed.


Enter a code that indicates the veteran status of the employee for EEO reporting purposes. Values are:

N: No, this employee is not a veteran.

V: This employee is a Vietnam veteran.

S: This employee is a Newly Separated veteran.

W: This employee is a Vietnam and Other veteran.

X: This employee is a Vietnam and Newly Separated veteran.

Y: This employee is an Other and Newly Separated veteran.

Z: This employee is a Vietnam, Other, and Newly Separated veteran.

O: This employee is a veteran, classified as Other, as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor.


Enter a code indicating whether this employee has a mental or physical disability. Codes are:

Y: Yes, this employee has a mental or physical disability.

N: No, this employee does not have a mental or physical. disability.

U: Unknown.

Disabled Veteran

Enter a code indicating whether this employee is a disabled veteran. Codes are:

Y: Yes, this employee is a disabled veteran.

N: No, this employee is not a disabled veteran.

This field is used to generate the Veterans Employee (VETS-100) report.

Applicant Code 5

Enter a code used to define applicant information.

Travel (Y/N) (travel [yes/no])

Enter a code that indicates whether an applicant is willing to travel. Values are:

Y: Yes, this applicant will travel.

N: No, this applicant is not willing to travel.

Relocate (Y/N) (relocate [yes/no])

Enter a code that indicates whether an applicant is willing to relocate. Codes are:

Y: Yes, the applicant will relocate.

N: No, the applicant is not willing to relocate.

Reg/Temp (R/T) (regular/temporary)

Enter a code that indicates whether the applicant is to be a regular or a temporary employee. Values are:

R: The applicant is to be a regular employee.

T: The applicant is to be a temporary employee.

Source of Reference

Enter a code that explains how an applicant was referred to the position or to the company. See user-defined code table 08/N1.

This code is a more specific source of reference than that in the Application Method (data item HN02) field.

Application Method

Enter a code that defines how an applicant applied for the job. You can define these codes using user-defined code table 08/MA.

This code reflects a less specific source of information than that in the Source of Information (data item HN01) field.


Enter a code that identifies the person who interviewed the applicant. Use user-defined code table 08/N3. You can enter more specific interview information using the data types linked to the detailed applicant resume process.


Enter a code that defines the branch or geographic location for which the applicant is being considered. Define this code using user-defined code table 01/01. This code is helpful for reporting purposes.